B.Eng. Open Space Management (GER)

at Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Short Description:

The degree program teaches students how to answer conceptual questions related to open space planning in the areas of project development, planning, implementation and maintenance, through to project evaluation. The program teaches fundamental business studies, open space planning and construction competencies to open up new perspectives on ecological, social and economic sustainability

Conditional Offer Letter:

for winter semester

Language of Instruction at University:


TH OWL - Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Located in Detmold & Lemgo - Public University
  • Outstanding in applied research
  • Focus on excellent, practice-oriented teaching
  • Connected with economy and research institutes
  • Creative and innovative environment
  • Short distances, big network
  • Personal contact between students and academic staff