B. Eng. Surveying and Geoinformatics (GER)

at Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg Schweinfurt

Short Description:

For surveying and geoinformatics the earth’s surface with its natural and artificial objects is the sphere of action. This opens up a broad occupational profile: From regulation and remodelling of ownership structures, defining routes and locations for road, bridge, and tunnel construction over satellite-based monitoring systems (GPS) to providing and managing geographic data used in everyday and specific applications. The degree programme teaches all methods that cover the full range of the occupational profile outlined above. The programme especially includes: Tacheometry, levelling, satellite measurement, laser scanning, remote sensing, land management, geographic information systems, CAD and visualisation technologies. In laboratories with excellent technical equipment the methods mentioned above cannot only be taught, but they can also be applied during tutorials and practical courses.

Conditional Offer Letter:

for winter semester

Language of Instruction at University:
